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Gas valves designed for gas trains for use with slightly aggressive biogases or recycling gases. The two-port valves are of the normally closed type. They can be combined with electrohydraulic actuators type SKP... or electromechanical actuators type SQX...

The VR... gas valves are designed for use with the following types of slightly aggressive gases:

  • Biogases

  • Waste gases

  • Digester gases

  • Other recycling gases

  • Air

They are used primarily in gas-fired combustion plant.

The valves operate as safety shutoff valves, gas pressure governor and air / gas ratio controller.

The chemical composition or aggressiveness of each type of biogas or recycling gas is different and depends on a number of factors.

Aggressiveness increases especially:

  • as the hydrogen sulfide content H2S increases

  • the higher the moisture content of the gas, if condensation takes place inside the valve

If is not possible to provide general information about the resistance and life expectancy of the VR... valves when used with recycling gases. The user must decide for himself whether the valve materials are suited for use with the relevant type of recycling gas.

For safety reasons, we strongly recommend to:

  • install 2 valves in series

  • install a gas valve proving device

  • visually inspect the valves at 6- to 12-month intervals


The VRH... valves are of the normally closed one-way high flow types. The swing type flap has no contour. The high closing force of the return spring is supported by the prevailing gas pressure (valve class A to EN 161). A strainer is available as an accessory item. The valves are supplied without strainer.

口径 型号 运行承压mbar 流量(在1mbar压差下)m3/h 测点数(Rp1/4) 点火燃气接口数(G3/4)
80 VFH10.804 300 122.2 4 1
100 VFH10.905 300 197.3 4 1
125 VFH10.915 300 281 4 1
安全等级 AEN161
可用气体 燃气123或空气
内部温度 0...+60ºC
法兰 PN16,ISO7005-2
运输环境 IEC 721-3-2
内部条件 class 2K2
机械条件 class 2M2
温度范围 -15...+60ºC
湿度 <95%
运行环境 IEC 721-3-3
内部条件 class 3K5
机械条件 class3M2
温度范围 -15...+60ºC
湿度 <95%

_版权所有:上海珍卡实业有限公司 地址:上海市闵行区颛兴路358号(200210)B
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